Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Speaker Phone...

So I walked into the girls playroom the other day and found Kamden talking in to a play Microphone pretending to cry really hard and I asked her what was the matter? She said " when you are up at the speaker phone at church you cry" Then she told us it was Aspen and my turn and we both had to cry when we talked into the speaker phone." My attention only lasted so long for this game as I had a lot of other things to do but she quickly pulled me back and said "Mommy you need to listen to me it is the spirit talking. "

I thought this was pretty funny so I wrote it down so I wouldn't forget. It probably is a hard concept to understand when you are young why people cry at the microphone in church.


Lady said...

That is really funny!! It must be so confusing to kids to see people cry in church.

Paige Holley said...

That is so funny! I told you how when she was at our house she told Gavin to be quiet because she was listening to the spirit! What a spiritual little girl:)

Anonymous said...

Aww, that's sad and sweet. I guess as a kid you wonder why people get up and cry. I'm impressed that she made the connection between crying, speaking at the microphone and the spirit. Keep recording these litle things they say and do because you forget and it's important to have these memories.

Anonymous said...

Have you told Alea that story? I think Alea is a great primary teacher. Remember when I was there she was playing with her pez and kept talking about the spirit and power, etc. It shows she really pays attention to what is going on around her. Don't you wish they would always stay little and good.

Alycia said...

That is too funny. I am glad that you wrote it down

Patrick and Leigh said...

That is hilarious! It is so funny to hear kids talk-you just never know what they're picking up or how they'll interpret things. I love the 'speaker phone' thing!