Tuesday, October 23, 2007


On Sunday Brock, Kamden and I played a game of Memory. I just have this question, how can a 4 year old beat her parents? We weren't even helping her, we ourselves were trying to win. I remember my mom told me the same thing, that I always used to beat her at the game too when I was young. Anyway Kamden was sure excited that she beat us both, she kept telling us how many matches she got, compared to how many we got. :)


Anonymous said...

you go kamden!! You are such a smart girl, I am so impressed... :o)

Lady said...

Way to go Kamden. You just keep reminding your mom how much she doesn't remember. You tell her - Mom - I remember this right!! You can't even beat me in Memory!!

Anonymous said...

Yes I remember being beaten often playing memory. You go Kamden!

O family said...

GO KAMDEN! I am sure it will happen to me too Brielle. I bet she was so proud.