Saturday, October 20, 2007

Learning at Home....

Kamden loves to do any activity where she is learning, that is at home. She will do workbook page after page. She wants to make crafts all day long, but her preschool is a different story. She is in Preschool this year and really enjoys going. That is after I stay for 5, 10, 15 mins when I drop her off. Then when I go pick her up her teacher always has a story about Kamden and her day. The teacher says she does fine until they do a craft she doesn't want to do or until they tell her to wash her hands. (she really has something with washing her hands, I know it is kind of strange but we are working on that at home.) The teacher has said that Kamden has just started having emotional break downs at school. She will just cry and cry for me. Maybe that is supposed to make me feel good but not really in this case. :) This has just started for kamden, the first month was fine. I think her schedule got thrown off when we had all of the company come, so hopefully this will pass very quickly. Kamden is so like I was when I was a little girl, that is a big reason why we have her in preschool this year so that when it is time to go to kindergarten I will not have to sit with her in class. :)
Here is a picture of her with her workbook. We just finished doing 10 pages!! I sure hope her desire for learning stays with her through high school but I think that would be too good to be true!!

So if any of you have any great suggestions on how to make her preshool time go more smoothly for her, myself and the teacher let me know. I have come up with a couple ideas that we are going to try this week so hopefully they will go well. She is such a bright, well behaved child, we just have to get her to be okay when I am not with her in new situations. Mom and Dad now I know what I put you guys through. :)


Lady said...

Gosh Brie, I hope things get better! I think being back on a regular schedule, regular bedtimes, not feeling like she is missing out on all the fun people at home - that should help. And experience - learning that she has to do what the group does etc... What are your ideas for this week? Does she NOT want to go anymore? Or she does want to go but wants you to stay?

Anonymous said...

Britt, she loves going and gets excited to go. She says she either wants Aspen or I to stay with her. I think it will get better. We are going to do a sticker chart and everytime the teacher says she had a great day she will get a sticker, then she will get to pick a special treat after a couple weeks of it going well.

Anonymous said...

One day something will work and then the next you have to try something else.

Alycia said...

I would try not to linger when you drop her off. That just makes it harder. Good luck with kids love to be away from me! :-)

P.S. you are tagged..check out my blog for my tagged post and fill it out for yourself. I look forward to seeing my you write

Paige Holley said...

Thats a tough one...Gavin was the same way today at church. Poor kid didn't want to stay:( hopefully it will get better for you. Gavin is sitting here with me and says he wants to go to preschool...Too bad they can't go together:(

Anonymous said...

Kamden is such a well behaved little girl... I have no suggestions for you... poor Aspen though, i know what awaits her in the upcoming years... she and Kamden will go on a trip to see mawmaw and pawpaw and kamden will get so homesick that she leaves and ditched Aspen to be all alone... does that sound familiar to you Brielle??? :o)

O family said...

Brielle, so with the washing of hands thing~ I know that when I was little, I HATED to wash my hands because they would get really dry.
Maybe you can get her a nice smelling lotion and only let her put it on after she washes her hands. So she can feel special and pretty with the lotion?