Thursday, November 1, 2007

Spooky Snacks

So I was assigned to bring some spooky snacks to Kamdens Halloween Party at Preschool. Being very uncreative my friend told me about the family fun website, so I got on with Kamden and let her pick what we brought. Here is the outcome.....
The first picture is a little blurry but they are cheese fingers. I substituted the green pepper fingernail for a candy corn. The next picture is supposed to be a witches broom stick. Kind of fun. I ended up missing the party because of the funeral for little Jessica but Kamden filled me in later that the broom sticks were a lot bigger hit with the kids. So now next time I know not to waste my whole day doing snacks and just go with the easier one!!


So many blogs..too little time said...

Those are so Fun! Way to go fun mom.

Anonymous said...

fun treats, i like the look of the cheese stick finger.

Lady said...

I had no idea you were so creative! I think the broomstick would have tasted better. I'm not sure cheese and candy corn taste great together, but it looks cool.

O family said...

what is on the bottom of the pretzel (broom)? I think that the candy corn/cheese looks so creepy. Good job Brielle!

Brielle said...

Michele, on the bottom of the pretzel is fruit by the foot.

O family said...

that is so clever.