Monday, October 27, 2008

My Perfect Saturday

Two weekends ago we had what I would call the perfect saturday. Brock works most Saturdays so we don't get much time together as a family except for Sundays. It was a beautiful October day, which isn't always the case here in McCall. So Brock asked if we would like to go for a hike together as a family. The girls were so excited, I was a little worried about Aspen walking the whole way but she did great.Kamden was the leader the whole way. After awhile Aspen said "I want Kamden to hold my hand", so being the great big sister Kamden is, she went to the back of the line grabbed her hand and said "come on you have to walk faster if you are going to be the leader with me."Here is my little man, nice and warm. I think this hat is so cute and I was actually glad I brought it since it was pretty windy.
My perfect Saturday started out in the morning, Brock took Cash for me so I could workout without being interrupted, which hardly ever happens. Then we packed a lunch and headed for our hike. It was only a mile in and a mile out. We went up to a Lake called Duck Lake. Once we got to the lake we played hide-n-seek in the woods. Then we hiked back out. On our way out we stopped so Brock could take our picture and I hear Kamden say in a really nervous voice "oh man, I don't think I like this." I thought she was a little nervous because we were standing on a little ledge but she said she got a really weird feeling when she would look up at the sky. Well there was a pretty big forest fire a couple summers ago and so there were a lot of burned trees. She was looking up at this really tall burned tree trunk and the clouds were passing by pretty quickly so it looked as though the tree trunk was moving back and forth. Once we explained she understood but still said she doesn't not like that feeling! It was pretty cute.
Once we got home we had dinner and then Brock and I went out with 4 other couples and played Wallyball(don't know how to spell) which is so much fun. It was such a great day. I definitely need more Saturdays like this!


Jim and Reenie said...

Sounds like a great day. The girls are so cute and the scenery is gorgeous. The little man looks too cute in his hat and I can't wait to kiss those little round cheeks.
L. Mamaw

Alycia said...

I am glad that you had such a great day. You live in such a beautiful place!

Anonymous said...

sounds fun! love how you love each other.....sweet hat! Love Grammy

Jim and Reenie said...

Great days like that are to be cherished. They come all to infrequently, but so glad you had a good one. I miss the hikes and the scenery! We did pumpkins last night and in Dan's absence, I was the designer/cutter guy. Lots of fun. I'm sure Brittney will post something regarding the activity.
See you in 2 weeks!

S7FAMILY said...

What a great day. I am glad you got to go hiking in October in McCall not in the snow. wow The girls look so big Press talks about Kamden quite a bit. Take care shauna

April Kennedy said...

same boat here....Dave is usually working to some extent on Saturdays. And if he isn't he is trying to catch up on some sleep. the beauty to being young parents, you still have the energy to plan a hike, make a lunch and then GO on the hike. Me...I would just plan the hike and then it would all fizzle out!

Family of Fun said...

Your day sounds so fantastic! I am so glad that you got to do something fun! It really was a good day, well it ended good. Wallyball was a blast - we are gonna have to play again!

kp said...

You had to bring the nostrils into it! I love Cash's hat, too cute!

Annie Allen said...

You have such a cute little family. I love hearing about their personalities. Kamden seems like quite the sweetheart. I'm glad too to hear that family time is scarce for other people besides us- so I'm really glad you were able to spend the day with Broc!

Lady said...

I am so glad you had the perfect day!! We all need those so we can recharge and enjoy and appreciate life. The hike with kids sounds fun but Wallyball with friends even better.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could have come!! The girls are so darn cute and I love how cute Cash looked in the carrier. You look happy and relaxed... hope you have lots of perfect days in the very near future!