Friday, October 17, 2008

Mixed Feelings........

Well, where to start? This afternoon my husband stopped by the house before he left for the Boise State/Hawaii game(lucky). I was walking him out to his truck and he said "oh I have something for you" Well that got me wondering what could it be? Brock isn't one for surprises so I said "alright, what is it" He gets in his truck and puts something behind his back and says "I have been debating whether to give this to you or not" He then hands it to me.......
Do you know what it was???? MY CAMERA!!!!! That is right you all are probably feeling the same thing I did. My mouth dropped open, I couldn't believe it. I just knew I threw it in the trash and he let me believe that!! Well I guess he found it in his glove compartment(or as he calls it his jockey box) in his truck. My first question was how could you let me go through all that emotion??? We are both kind of laughing at this point but I was still wondering how could you??? He claims he really doesn't remember taking it but he says the whole time it was in the back of his head that maybe he lost it, that is why he seemed so easy going about me throwing our camera away. And I was thinking he was just a super loving husband that understands women in distress!! :) I guess I was wrong. So I said well how come you didn't own up?? And he says "because you were so sure you threw it in the trash I just let it be" So then I said "OH NO YOU DIDN'T" What a learning experience this is. I still had so many questions for him but he said "Brielle, I gotta go" as he is climbing in his truck, "I can't be late but I just wanted to give you your camera back" (with a huge smile on his face as he is backing down the driveway yells "BYE, I LOVE YOU !"
So I guessed he timed it right with handing me my camera and him driving off. I am so excited about having it back but at the same time thought I was so sure my prayer was answered that I threw it away.
I just have to let my mom know that while she is in Africa I WILL NOT LET BROCK HAVE YOUR CAMERA! I will return it safely to you when you come home. :)
So everyone for the most part I can proudly say I STILL GOT MY MEMORY. Brock just had me questioning myself a little.


Lady said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!! But I am so glad that you got it back and I'm sorry you had to be sick over it. Tell me the truth - would it have been better if you knew he lost it? Or would that have caused much more anger and bitterness?

Family of Fun said...

Ok, it kind of sucks, but is REALLY great at the same time. Hello! You have your camera back! For me, I would be so grateful. Yeah, a little ticked, but I can understand his perspective. Men don't have a great memory. So, if he forgot where it was and you thought you threw it away, the conclusion was that the camera was gone and you both were unified on that. But, wahooooo!!! Now you have it back! :]

Brielle said...

Well, I am very excited to have my camera back and actually now that I think about it am very glad for the way it happened. I probably would have been VERY mad at him if I knew he lost it so it was better for me to think that I was the one to blame. And I am glad I found out about it now that I was over having it gone. So I am a lot more happy and relieved than any hard feelings towards Brock. It was a very Brock thing to do(to misplace the camera). :) But I love the guy lots!

Jim and Reenie said...

So glad you got it back and that because of your situation, I did the noble thing and sent you I could justify getting a reeeealy hot new one!!
Yea for weird situations.
Don't ever let a camera determine your love for your husband..
Very deep stuff
Just be happy
I love you and 'that guy'

Jim and Reenie said...

Oh yea.
Try reading your parents blog occasionally girlfriend.
We even get comments from your friends in Idaho, but nooooo, not from you.
Too busy traipsing through the landfill looking for the camera that was not there? or is it the poopy diapers that keep you occupied?

April Kennedy said...

oh brielle, imagine if you hadn't gotten a little 'answer' that you had thrown it would have worried yourself even sicker than you already did until you found it. at least you enjoyed some peace.

p.s. your father corrected my grammar on my blog...i LOVED it! i even fixed it! just know that these lowercase letters starting sentences are from sheer laziness not stupidity!

O family said...

oh Brielle,
the good news is that you have your camera back. The other good news is that Brock should buy you flowers for letting you stress over the camera. :) Your Dad's comments are so funny! Love all of you guys!! and YAY for having 2 cameras now!!!

Susan Staus said...

Yeah!!! That is great that your camera is back!!!! Your other friend is right, he should have at least given it to you with flowers.

Annie Allen said...

What a butt!!!! But I do have to agree with you that it's probably better it happened this way. Brad would have been in trouble for YEARS if he lost my camera! I'm so glad he had it- and it is pretty cute how he gave it back. Sounds like something his cousin would do.

Anonymous said...

It made me laugh so much that I am crying. I'm so glad that you got it back. Men!

Shez Family said...

That's classic. I wouldn't know whether to laugh, cry or hit Pete! The good thing is that the camera is back so that's all that matters! Right? lol
FYI: we changed our website to make it more anonymous.
Love, Curren, Jamie and Pete

Alycia said...

that is really funny. I am glad that you got it back though!

Anonymous said...

sorry Brielle....I'm certain that with his short memory (like his mom) that he actually was easily convinced that you threw it away and went on with his busy week! I'm sure he was hoping you threw it away, rather than thinking he possibly lost it... It's my prayer that this situation is the hardest one you ever have.....yeah, good luck on that one! love you both....grammy