Thursday, May 8, 2008

Echogenic Focus

I am not sure if any of you know what this is, I didn't know until just about a month ago. I was at one of my usual doctors visits for my pregnancy when my doctor said "oh did we talk about your abnormality of your ultrasound at your last visit?" I responded NO as my heart stopped for a couple beats. What it is, is a spot that they see on the baby's heart and is a little denser tissue than normal. It is associated with down syndrom. I was trying not to cry and worry and we discussed all of my options. I went home and talked with family and friends about it as well as do some research. That made me feel a lot better. My doctor said she is not worried because it was the only thing they saw that could be associated with down syndrom in my ultrasound. Everything else looked perfect. That was a little more comforting. She said she didn't even want to bring it up because it might cause a lot of worry for nothing but she had to talk it over with me because the radiologist found it. In the reading I have done it says about 7.4% of all women at their 20 week ultrasound have this finding but less than 1% are born with a down syndrom child and that is usually the case when you are 35 or older. (When the echogenic focus is your only physical symptom) That too made me feel a lot better. I have been feeling more at peace with a lot of prayer and research. I know that if this baby boy has down syndrom or not he will be loved just the same. I am prepared to take a paper I found of all the physical signs they look for in an ultrasound to see if there were any other physical signs that were border line. I haven't decided if I am going to get another ultrasound for them to look closer or not. What would you all do?
I am posting this post only because I want to know if any of you have heard of this or dealt with this personally. Sometimes talking to people and hearing their stories help out. I know that there are a lot of cases now where they tell you something might be wrong with your baby and then they are born perfectly healthy. I do understand they have to cover themselves because people are sue happy these days. But sometimes I just think it would be so much easier not knowing any of this. Anyway if any of you have stories or advice I would love to hear it.


O family said...

Oh Brielle, I love you and will start praying for your wonderful little boy. I know that you will be strong with whatever happens. Did all of your bloodwork comeback ok? I know that there is a check for DS in the bloodword... like too much of some chemical or protein means a higher likelyhood, My Aunt Laura had some of her bloodwork come back with elevated signs of whatever it is that can determind DS with her daughter Elsie and Elsie doesnt' have it.
I think that if I was you, I WOULD go and get another ultrasound. It may put your mind to rest or it could prepare you for something. As long as you know that you will love and be proud of this baby, no matter what, it can relieve some of the stress that you feel.
love you cuz!

Anonymous said...

I think you are absolutely right Brielle about them "covering" themselves. It's like when you have surgery and they have to tell you all the risks...even the really rare ones that almost never occur. They're just medically obligated.

I think just praying for health for your baby and peace for your heart is the best thing you can do! It is all SO out of our control. I think if there's one thing I learned from Alissa's birth - it's that!

The other thing is that in my job, I get story after story after story of women who were told extreme things by their doctors, like "Your baby won't survive after birth" and "You are miscarrying this child" or "Your child has severe deformities". Well God is so much bigger and I can tell you many women have had perfect births and perfect babies after being told even things like this!!

We will also be praying for your little boy...for a good last few months of pregnancy...and for a blessed birth! I know that God holds this baby in His hands. =)

Anonymous said...

The most important thing to know is that Heavenly Father loves both you and that baby. Your family loves both you and that little boy. Whether he is born healthy or with challenges, you and he will get all the support and love you will need, and life will be good.
This mortal state (life) is an interesting teacher and there is so much we have to learn. while here. "...and all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good." D&C 122:7
Keep hold of your faith and your beliefs and it will give you comfort.

Anonymous said...

I pray everything is okay and it is most likely fine. However, if you are blessed with a boy with challenges, I can't imagine a more loving home and mother for him to be born to. I think that your baby is going to be just fine so don't worry yourself.

Kellie said...

Brielle so scary to hear thinks like that, but again like you said Doctors have to tell you everything. But hold onto the peace you have felt from prayer and know that no matter what you will be strengthened to whatever challenges you may face, even if they are just being a mom to a beautiful baby boy!! You'll both be in our prayers!

Anonymous said...

I love you. You and your wonderful husband and children are in my prayers. I have no doubt that you and Brock are up to whatever trials come your way. You are good and loving parents and will continue to provide a loving environment for this child as well as for the other children you already have.
God Bless and Keep you in His watchful care.
Love, Mom

Alycia said...

I am so sorry to hear about your scary results. I never get any of the tests to see if my kids have downs because I prefer to not know until the baby is born. You may want to get the extra ultrasound so that your mind can be at peace. I am sure that everyhthing will be ok, but your mind could be at rest before the baby comes. We will keep you in our prayers. Keep us posted.
~Much love,

So many blogs..too little time said...

I am sorry that I have no information for you about this. I have never heard about it before. It sounds like your odds are good though. We will pray for your little boy and your family. Also I love the pics below of the girls in the stream next to your house. That was fun when we played there that day:)

Nay Family said...

Wow. Very overwhelming. While I didn't experience this exact same situation we had some worrisome moments during my pregnancy with Tessa. I did the same thing you are doing. Lots of researching and asking questions and listening to people. That alone helped calm me down. I also asked KC for a priesthood blessing to help me emotionally and felt tremendous peace afterwards, regardless of the fact that I still didn't know if everything would be okay. Just a thought...In any situation you will make a fantabulous mother again! I'll be praying that it's a cool summer for you.

Family of Fun said...

That definitely is overwhelming news to hear, for sure. You are in our prayers, for sure, and so is BABY! I need to call you and talk. I read this and need to chat with you. No matter what happens, the little spirit in your womb is the one the Lord WANTS to send to YOUR family, and He will NOT give you anything beyond your abilities to handle. We love you guys... and I miss playing ball!

emlizalmo said...

Oh heart stopped just reading this. My last pregnancy gave me a scare. I was at a routine ultrasound (alone, mind you) and she was measuring and remeasuring the baby's neck. She stopped and asked me how old I was. It wasn't until after I left that I freaked. She doen't need to know my age unless something is wrong. SO...after a lot of crying...I called her and basically demanded that she tell me why she asked my age. I think she went against protocall and told me the base of Molly's neck was wide which is a symptom of Downs. I panicked. I really did. I always thought Dave and I may get a special needs child since we met eachother working with them. Long story short...I had a perfectly healthy baby. I think if there was real alarm, there would be more signs. Your doctor would be concerned, not trying to make you feel better. I'm so sorry you have to worry about this. It can feel like a burden that is too heavy to carry. Trust the Lord. He loves you. Amy :)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I think they are too ready to share. I know it's all good but sometimes too much info...all I know is that little boy is coming and he will receive all the love needed no matter. You are a great mom and dad and there are lots of others to love him as well, and if Heavenly Father needs one of his little ones with special needs to come to this family, then he will be well cared for and loved unconditionally. I pray that you feel peace and know that all is well, whatever the case may be. Love you dearly...Mom Psun