Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Another One Gone...

Kamden lost one of her top teeth last week. I guess I am just amazed at how young she is loosing these teeth. She is not even in Kindergarten yet and she has lost 3 on the bottom and one on the top. Her other top tooth is getting close too. This tooth that just came out was a huge problem in our house. It was only hanging on part way so it was getting food up there and her gum was starting to swell. Brock and I tried to pull the tooth out and we both couldn't get it. Kamden acted like we were trying to cut off her arm. It was awful. I felt like such a bad mother but I didn't want her gums to get infected. Because Kamden didn't want us to get our hands in there she was moving that tooth all different ways hoping it would fall out on its own! Well she got her wish. A friend was over playing with her and he bumped her chin with his knee and the tooth flew out. He thought it was the coolest thing and she was soooo excited. I told her friend in a couple weeks when this next one is ready we will be inviting him over!!I just had to post a picture of this card, this was the mothers day cards I made. I am so proud of myself. I know to most of you this is no big deal. But for me it is huge because crafts and Brielle don't usually mix. I found that this craft is something I could really get into, it was easy, fun and you can get it done in a short amount of time. That is what I am all about!!


Anonymous said...

cute card, i am impressed! i can't believe you finally got Kamden's tooth out. I was getting worried she owuld have it till she was in her 40's. Way to go kamden!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I was impressed too....and tickled cuz' it's my card! She didn't show the sweet thoughts inside the card. Thanks Brielle, you are so thoughtful.

Anonymous said...

Love that little toothless girl! She is so shy, she has a hard time being in the spotlight. Love you Kamden....and love that sweet grin!.......grammy

Susan Staus said...

It's a very cute card! Good job!!!

April Kennedy said...

Your card is so cute. Love it! Nice job, non crafty Brielle. And Kamden's tooth story is about the same as Blakes. He's lost 3 on the bottom and none on top (yet). This last one was holding on by just a thread and I finally pulled out my first tooth on one of my kids without getting queasy even thinking about it. Plus Dave was out of town and he was crying that he wanted it out. He was brave and I was shocked because usually he screams like Kamden did!

Jim and Reenie said...

I love the way kids look when they first start losing their teeth. She is darling. Brie, you lost your teeth very early as well. Give her a kiss for me.
I love the card, it was very pretty. I didn't know you made it at first,great job!!!!I knew you had it in you. You make hats too!
Remember you even got a little obsessed.
Love, Mom