Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Family Fun Day
This past weekend we went to Rupert for Family Fun Day. It was the first year they have done this at Sunrise P River Ranch(that is Brock's families recreation place they run). It was so much fun, the whole community was invited. There were kids games and activities, Barn Idol competition(just like american idol), 5K race, 2-person challenge(obstacle course), the bumpy wagon was giving rides all day, a band playing for a barn dance that night. I was trying to decide whether I was going to run the 5K or compete in the 2-person challenge. Arriann really wanted to do the challenge but I have this problem, I really struggle with being on a team and knowing I let the other person down. But she convinced me that she wouldn't care. I knew I wouldn't be able to do both so I competed in the 2-person challenge! The challenge consisted of first kayaking in a 2 person kayake on the snake river around an island and back(just the men group had to do this part) Then there is a obstacle course you and your partner have to complete by putting boards on top of railroad ties and walking across, then lift it back up with out letting it touch the ground and you keep doing this until you make it to the end , then you continue to walk a pipe balance beam, on to the swinging rings(like monkey bars) to cross, then the big wall you pull your body up and over climbing a rope, then on to pushing your partner in a wheelbarrow and finally walking these 2 person wooden skiis. It was pretty intense. I can proudly say that Arriann and I took 1st place for the co-ed division and Brock and his brother Skye took 1st place for the men division. Although, I do have to add Brock and Skye beat all the other men teams by 4 min. They had the same time as Arriann and I and we didn't even do the Kayake part. They were pretty quick!!
Do I look tough? That is what I was going for, but I think I might look a little mean and crazy.
Here are the 2 winning teams in our shirts and medals we won! 
Here is Barry with his medal, it was huge and very heavy. He got the medal for making this great day happen. As you can see he is showing us it is real!! He and Rexanne and many others put a lot of work into this day. We appreciate it lots. We had a great time.
Grandpa got all the kids T-shirts too. Aspen loves to stick out her bum, she does it all the time. I am a little worried for when she gets older.
Barry built this wagon called the Wiggy wagon or the bumpy wagon. It is a huge hit with the kids. This weekend was the first time I ever rode on it. I couldn't stop laughing, I was catching air, that is how much you bump. Rexanne had the idea of putting all her grandkids hand prints on the side with their ages, it turned out really cute.
Here are the boys, in this seat you bump but nothing like riding in the back.
Here are the kids and the girls. Thank goodness for the mattress we are sitting on!! It is such a fun ride.
Another One Gone...
Our New Friend....
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Montana Visitors
Friday, May 1, 2009
9 Months Old
Over a week ago Cash turned 9 months old. He is such a fun baby. I want to throw a party because now he sleeps through the night. It started about a couple weeks ago. He just did it on his own. I am in heaven when this happens. Life for me gets so much better when I get a full nights sleep. He is a big boy, I took him to the doctors for his check up and he was 22 lbs 5 oz and 29 inches long. Some of Cash's lastest tricks are: He loves to smile and wave at everybody he sees, no stranger anxiety for this boy. He is now saying MaMa, not to me, just making the sound. He has 6 teeth with 2 more coming in. The only improvement we need to make with Cash is his desire to move. The boy is so content just sitting and playing with toys. His doctor said he should be showing some interest. He is a little below the curve in this area. :( I get him on his belly and he is not too happy he just rolls right over to his back. So we have now started doing some crawling workouts a few times a day. We will see where this will lead him. Cash has been so much fun in our family. It is so neat to watch him grow and see his new tricks he is doing each day. I tried to get some pictures of us and this is how they turned out..... 
Cash says "Mom what are you doing?"Mom says "Cash just look at the camera, I want a good picture of us."
Cash then says "Is this what you were going for?"
"Or was it more this?" Man I love this little boy. Can't beat those teeth.
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