Sunday, September 28, 2008

Where is my Memory??

Okay so not to brag but I have a GREAT memory. You can ask all most every one who knows me. I remember birthdays, names of everyone I meet, Everything Brock says even when he doesn't want me too, where I put things, where my kids put things, where my husband puts things, okay you get the point. Well these past 2 months (yes since I have had my 3rd baby) my mind is one big blur. I CAN'T STAND IT. I am starting to feel I don't have control over my own life and that is not a good thing when you are a control freak like myself. I know it will get better but I am just not sure when. Well the other day it was a crazy one so I laid Cash on my bed crying while I got the girls ready to leave the house. I went back in to get him and he had fallen sound asleep. It was the best picture, so I went to go find my camera. Where was my camera? I never lose things! When I do misplace something I can't stop looking for it until I find it. Well I had cleaned my whole house for company coming for the weekend and it was no where to be found. So I knelt down to pray. The second I stood up from my prayer the thought came to me. "You threw your camera away" I said WHAT? Well it is true. I still am so sick to my stomach thinking about it. Every morning I grab everything on the railing to go downstairs, wet diapers, bottle, formula, wet pull up, the baby and that day my camera. So my arms are very full, I got downstairs and Aspen is throwing her body on the floor because she wanted milk NOW and Cash is crying for his bottle and Kamden is saying mom we have to go to school I need breakfast, AHHHHHHHHHHHH. So I unloaded the wet diapers and wet pullup in the trash along with my CAMERA. That did it, that topped my awful day off to make it a lot more awful.
I even remember a thought came to me as I took the trash out "wow this bag is heavy you should look in it to see what it is" Well I was going to look but then once again dinner needed to be on the table and we were needing to be out the door. So I set the bag down to look later and ofcourse I forgot to look and the trash men came the next morning. YES, I cried my eyes out for an entire day. It was such an awful feeling knowing that the spirit was talking to me and I ignored it and that my new camera was gone. Never again will I push a thought like that out of my head. I have learned a lot from this experience which I guess is the positive outcome of all this. I am now getting over this experience because I have such great family that helps me through times like this. My mother in law is letting me borrow her camera for a little and my parents are giving me their old camera because they got a new one for Africa. So I am well loved and everything worked out but I am still bugged my perfect memory is turning into one big blur!!!!


Family of Fun said...

I sympathize with you girl. I truly know how you feel! And.. I even know first hand what it is like to ignore those promptings. I had one last night that I dismissed (even after that really good women's broadcast). Yeah, Bryson left his bike out in the driveway. I pulled the car around it. But, when Jason went to go get his brother up this morning, well... he backed up. Last night his truck wasn't parked in front of the car when I pulled in. However, something told me when I got out of the car to move the bike. But, I was too excited to go inside and tell my husband about my great night! So... Jason ran over the bike! :[ Sorry about your camera - totally crappy! I only offer one thing - it gets a little better with time! (but only a little better!) The more kids... the more the brain goes! :]

O family said...

Oh Brielle, I am so sorry that you "lost" your camera. Know what, ever since I was pregnant I have had a horrible memory. I have even thrown away books of stamps that I have just bought (more than once unfortunately). I am also a control freak and am at my happiest when everything is orderly and under control. Well, with a 2 yr old, that isn't how it is! I know that things will get better for you. Sometimes I find that if I let go a little bit (of my control), things seem to get better. I KNOW that I have actually thrown away something bigger and more important than just the stamps before but.. guess what, I can't remember what! hah. I just think that I am slowly becoming like my Grandma T and well, while no one wants to forget stuff all of the time, she is an awesome person to become like. :) You can join our club of "forgetful folks" if you want!

Susan Staus said...

Oh my goodness!!! I am so sorry!!!! I have also totally lost my memory, but just after only 2 kids, it so annoying.
I have also recently had many promptings to do something and never did and later found out that I really should have listened. It's an awful feeling when you learn that you should have listened. But nothing as extreme as loosing your new camera. That's great that your family is helping you out with that.

Anonymous said...

It's really okay, not wonderful to lose a camera, but this too will pass.....just don't lose one of my grandkids! (kidding) just chalk it up to creating another memory and move on. Besides, Jim and Renie really wanted a new camera, and now they can totally justify it....right mom? You're awesome Brielle, and it will all be okay. Quit trying to be super mom & woman thinking you have to have everything perfect all the time, and enjoy every moment with the kids....I love the song "you're gonna miss this" true it is. Time flies.. wish I would have slowed down a little and made some of the little moments last a little longer! Love You...Grammy

kennoncrew said...

i sure hope that yours comes back--cuz mine is long gone! (i used to be known as "jeanie-good-brain for my uncanny memory skills--no one has called me that since i had kids. coincidence? i don't think so.

Paige Holley said...

So sorry about your camera, Brielle! If it makes you feel any better, I started loosing my mind a LONG time ago. Russ always makes fun of me because I can never remember where I put my keys, purse, cell phone, etc...So, welcome to the club:)

Annie Allen said...

Oh Brielle!!! I'm so sorry you lost your camera. I think I would cry for weeks if I lost mine. I hate these types of learning experiences... I always second guess myself and dismiss the promptings. I've lost hope that my memory will ever come back. I just keep hoping Savanna has a good one to make up for the one I lost.

Oh and congrats on the anniversary! I can't believe how times flies- or that you have 3 kids!!!

Lady said...

It about broke my heart when you called me about this. I am so glad that things are working out for you. I love you.

Alycia said...

Oh, Brielle, that is the worst. I am the same as you..not being able to find things drives me CRAZY! I left our first digital camera on an airplane and no one turned it in. I was so upset too. I am glad that you are getting another one because I love seeing pictures of your family.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are doing better! (:
It's not fun to lose things, especially when they cost so much.
But as you know the camera is a material thing and we can feel sad but must then move on. You are blessed to have 3 wonderful healthy children. Enjoy them while they are young they are gone before you know it. And yes I do remember the harder days and sympathize. But sometimes we need to remind ourselves that these precious gifts are only loaned to us for a while.
I love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel about the memory thing, except I was never good at it and now I am even worse! So life as I know it is a blur until someone reminds me. Interesting. I am good with numbers though.

Anonymous said...

You sound just like me...except I was like that after Damean and then it got worse with Finn. I am kind of worried to have a third...
I honestly would lose my head if it wasn't connected...