Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tooth Fairy Visited Our House

Kamden lost her first tooth last night! I can't believe it, my little girl losing her teeth already. It makes her seem so much older. Plus she isn't even 5 years old, well on friday she will be, but isn't this a little early?? She actually let me in her mouth to pull it out, I was shocked. If any of you know my daughter she has zero pain tolerance and she is scared of the unknown. It was a little dramatic but then some excitement shortly followed. For some reason after I pulled it out she was complaining of leg pain and then could only walk on one leg. I have no clue where that came from, then she was crying saying "just let me go to sleep, I am so tired" She is such a funny girl, now when she tells the story she says it didn't hurt at all and that really is the truth. This tooth was just dangling there.


Susan Staus said...

She is pretty funny! It's a good thing you had a camera to use! I am just feeling your pain of your camera, still. I just love pictures and would be totally devastated if that happened to me. I am glad you have one to use and can get these great pictures!!!!

Amanda said...

What a funny girl! And how fun to get to play tooth fairy now. Will Aspen be jealous that her teeth aren't falling out?

Lady said...

Wow - that is so exciting. I'm glad she was brave and that she is over the trauma and is on to telling good stories and showing her new hole. Cute pictures too.

Alycia said...

I glad that we could help you out! We had to force Blake's out becuase the new ones were really far out. He looked like a shark! I got the other one out today. He is excited to get another visitor tonight. This is going to start adding up! :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a big girl and what a little tooth! (: I can't believe she is big enough to lose teeth already. ): I really miss her and her drama, hum a hurt leg when your tooth comes out, yes that would be Kamden and make sense. (:
I miss and love you all.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a big girl and what a little tooth! (: I can't believe she is big enough to lose teeth already. ): I really miss her and her drama, hum a hurt leg when your tooth comes out, yes that would be Kamden and make sense. (:
I miss and love you all.

April Kennedy said...

So many posts in so little time. I am shocked but completely excited. I lost my mind while I was watching twin babies for a year. I missed every appointment I made, forgot things on a daily basis and was really scared early alzheimers was setting in. When I stopped watching the twins I got my mind back. It all made sense then!

Cash looks absolutely adorable in the white tux. And wow for Kamden. Blake still hasn't lost a tooth and he is 6! Playing tooth fairy is fun but very hard to remember at night. I am worried for you! with your memory loss and everything.

Love to hear from you...post more often! You will never remember all the cute things your kids are doing while they are young. Blog them!

Paige Holley said...

Holy cow! I can't believe she lost a tooth! Congrats to her...what a big girl:)

The Gang said...

Way to go Kamden!!!
I can't believe how fast she is growing up. Hope to see you guys before she graduates!
Miss you all
The Gang

Anonymous said...

Wow, Brielle no offense, I was just wondering, if having Kamden lose her tooth made you feel old? That seems like such a far off idea for me. I wonder if she was having growing pains with her leg? I love your comentary!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm so proud of kamden! I still laugh about her and her shots... but I'm glad the tooth wasn't as traumatic.. Way to go girl!

O family said...

GOOO KAMDEN! She looks so pretty and so proud!

Family of Fun said...

I think sometimes WE think that it would hurt them, but they are pretty tough. Go, Kamden. That's totally awesome! Megan is SIX and she hasn't lost a tooth yet!