Sunday, September 21, 2008

2 Months!

Okay so really he will be 2 months on Wednesday the 24th but I know that I don't get much time to blog now, so I thought I should do it while I have time. Cash is getting more enjoyable everyday. He is smiling more and more which I love. He is starting to mellow out some and the past two nights he has only woken up once. YEAH!! I really hope we can keep that going on, I can deal with once a night. I will post this coming weekend after his doctors visit to let you all (my family) know of his stats.

Here are a couple pictures from Rupert I thought I would add. We went down last weekend to a cousins wedding and a family reunion. Brocks dad got out the horses for the kids to ride on. They loved it. The last picture is of Arriann (Brocks sister) and Wade(her husband) Arriann was cold so she asked Wade for his sweatshirt and he said she should of brought her own so she just zipped herself up with him. It was pretty funny, I don't know how funny Wade thought it was since he had to go everywhere she went and move his arm every time she moved hers! Maybe next time he will offer her his sweatshirt!!


Lady said...

Oh Man - your little guy is SOO handsome! I love his little gummers.

Looks like the weather was great while you were in Rupert and Arianne and Wade look funny. They remind me of the twin sisters in the movie "Cinderella Story" that go to the dance as Siamese Cats and they are totally stuck together.

April Kennedy said...

Love the update Brielle. Thank you. AND...thanks for the laugh...I am still laughing over the sweatshirt picture...too funny!

April Kennedy said...

Me again...still giggling and I when I close my eyes I can hear your laugh too and actually see your pretty face laughing. Sure do miss you.

Anonymous said...

2 months...already?!? I can't believe how fast the time flies...
He is just adorable...
Miss you!!!

O family said...

I can't believe that he is 2 months! WOW! Cash sure is adorable. I can't wait to meet him one day :)

Anonymous said...

Next time Wade will be a gentleman. (: Actually, maybe he liked snuggling with his best girl.
And little Cash is so handsome. I'm looking forward to seeing him soon. Love, Mom

Emily said...

Cash is so cute! He is getting so big! Looks like you guys had fun in Rupert!

Anonymous said...

Love the horse riding pictures...and the sweatshirt...too funny, only my daughter could come up with that one! Baby Cash is so sweet and loves to snuggle to see him and all of you this weekend. Anxious to see his little tux pictures ya!...grammy