Monday, June 23, 2008

Baby Shower....

The baby shower was great. I got so many fun and cute things. Great food, great games, great company. Thank you so much to all of my friends who put this together for me; Aleah, Jessica, Becky and those who helped with food. I had a really awesome time. Aleah made these really cute invitations! Rexanne and Arriann (Brocks mom and sister)
Kelly, Jamie, Lisa M., Lisa P, and Becky

Frances, Dawna and Lisa

These were just some of the people that came. Thank you again everyone so much!!

I have a really funny story I have to share, so my mom called me about a week before my shower saying how sad she was that she couldn't be there but she wanted me to have a least one little thing from my own mom to open. She then asked a few times if I would have someone video tape me opening her box she and my sister sent. They made a few receiving blankets for him. She then called me again reminding me to tape it. I was thinking "wow these must be some really cool blankets." Well to my surprise, lets just say I was taken off guard a little. :)

Here I am opening and not having a clue and then I saw this....

This was the first blanket I opened. I had the back to me first so I wasn't sure what everyone was screaming and laughing about. I quick flipped it over and started cracking up. I have to say my face turned a little red too. I thought it was so funny and still do. I can totally picture my mom and Brittney laughing at the fabric store as they thought they were so funny.There is a little piece of the back, dalmation print. My mom was so nervous what people would think of her, she wants everyone to know it was just a joke. A really funny one I might add. She said "please don't you ever take this to church". I thought that was funny because as soon as I opened it at the shower I said this was my new nursing blanket for church. :)


Lady said...

I still laugh every time I see that thing - And I've seen it alot since I made it. It was rather well done too - I must say. I am so glad that you had no clue and so glad that it made everyone laugh - It was the best joke I've been involved with since... well EVER!! Glad you had a great shower and weren't too embarrassed by your crazy mom and big sis.

So many blogs..too little time said...

That is the funniest thing I have ever seen.

O family said...

oh my gosh- that is too funny! I actually got a chuckle out of it too. I can only imagine opening it in front of friends... hahaha
love that silly Mom and sister of yours. Glad that you had a great shower. The invites were adorable!

Anonymous said...

Well of course Brittney and I had the most fun buying that fabric and making the quilt. At the store, it was so fun when we both saw the fabric at the same time and then our eyes met and we knew we had the same idea and just started laughing. The jokers always have the most fun!! (: Glad everyone got a laugh out of it and yes please don't take it to church.
Thank you Jessica for throwing Brielle such a nice shower. You're the best!! Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had such a nice shower. I wish I could have been there. It will be nice to have all those boy gifts. I think your maternity shirt is really cute.... may have to snag that one too :o) The blanket is ridiculous.... mom and Brittney are so funny. Love you!

kennoncrew said...

its my favorite thing ever! could they make one for me? i'll sleep with it and take it to church!

Kellie said...

That blanket was the best! Your Mom and sister did an awesome job!

Anonymous said...

I wasn't sure if these were supposed to be real hunks of cheesecake or members of the Village People, but you know when it comes to your Mom and sister, I just stay out of the way.
So happy you had a fun shower. We are looking forward to seeing you all in about a month.

Brian and Krista said...

I LOVE this blanket! Seriously, where did they find that material?! haha. I wish I could of been there to see you open it! You look so freaking cute! Have you picked out any names yet?

Alycia said...

that is too funny! I love it! You need to save it and give it to Brinn for her shower when she has a boy, if you don't wear it out!

amandajonalissa said...

I laughed so hard...and then showed some co-workers who laughed even harder. That is awesome. Your mom and sister are a riot!

Family of Fun said...

I have to admit that the blanket was awesome! Ha! What a great shocker! I was laughing so hard inside. That is something MY family would do to me!

Anonymous said...

tooooo funny....wish you could have heard the response from everyone!.....Grammy

The Edwards Clan said...

It's so funny to read about this on your blog. Your mom told us about this at a presidency meeting one time and she we were laughing so hard. What a FUN thing for her and your sister to do. You'll have to post the video footage so we can get the full effect. :o)