Friday, July 24, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Cash!!!

Today Cash turns 1 year old. I can't believe how fast it has gone. I would be posting pictures but my husband has the camera so I can't download the new ones I have taken of Cash. We are going to celebrate his birthday tomorrow because Brock took the girls camping and fishing in YellowPine. (This is the first time he has taken them over night somewhere on his own. I hope it is going well so that he will offer again. :)) It has been nice having some one on one with Cash. He really is such a happy baby. Although, he got a haircut yesterday and I have to say he looks more like a boy now. Some of Cash's favorite things include: animals, especially cows, horses, and dogs, playing with balls, banging things to make loud noises, eating and dancing to music. It is fun to see his personality come out more and more each day.

He has been my slowest hitting the different milestones so far. Some people say it is just because he is a boy. My doctor is getting worried because Cash still doesn't move, so she wants him to be doing physical therapy. I just started the process of getting that going and all of the sudden HE STARTED TO CRAWL TODAY!!! In a way I have really been enjoying him just sitting in one place. But at the same time, didn't want my kid to be way behind. I guess he is just taking his time and that's okay with me. :) His crawl isn't normal he almost looks a little special. He crawls with his 2 hands and one foot while dragging his other leg as he moves. (I guess that is what I get for trying to embarrass my mom when I was in high school by dragging my foot when I walked!) I will post more on my little man after his party tomorrow. But just want him to know when he reads this some day, how much I love him and love to squish is big chunky body, and make him laugh. He brings me so much happiness and just reminds me that I never could have imagined that I could love anyone as much as I love my kids!


Brady said...

I can't believe he is one already. That did go by fast! I want to see pics. He is such a handsome boy.


Amanda said...

Cash and Carter sound very simliar in their movement. Carter didn't crawl until almost one and it was the most awkward thing to watch. And now he still only army crawls. Cash just sounds content and mellow!
Happy first birthday

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday Cash! I remember my little boy did things a little later and I just loved it. I always said he was just too cool to care and that sounds like Cash!

O family said...

YAY Cash! Happy Birthday! As far as being a little behind with the crawling... I wouldn't worry. Quinn couldn't even sit up without support from her boppy on her first birthday. Also, Quinn did a weird crawl too at first. Her PT called it "the commando crawl". It was all with her arms and then she kind of dragged her legs. Eventually she got it but we did do some exercises to strengthen her core some.

April Kennedy said...

Blake crawled the EXACT same way. Don't rush will come. Enjoy these little moments and him staying a baby a little longer. I love his hair cut!