Sunday, August 17, 2008

Update of Cash!

I am so sorry it has been a while since I have blogged. I am just trying to get through each day as a functioning mother. A lot of people told me that having the third kid is the real adjustment and after that it gets easier. Well I can tell you I don't think I am going to find out if that is true. All I know is they were right about it being tough. Three children is definitely an adjustment. Hopefully each day will get better. I have so many posts that I would like to post but it is finding time to get on the computer that is hard. I did promise my family though I would post a lot of updates of Cash for them to see since they change so fast when they are little. He is now 3 weeks old. Most of the pictures were from a week ago. He has been a pretty good baby so far, THANK GOODNESS. My mom would say "It's hard work being a baby"!!Daddy and Cash sound asleep. This is Brocks favorite thing when they are this tiny, that they just will lay and sleep in your arms.
We never know what Aspen is up to when we are not around. Poor Cash, as you can see she squeezed a doll in with him while in his car seat. Aspen just loves Cash but sometimes it is just a little too much!!


O family said...

Cash looks so handsome! He really looks like Brock in the picture above the one of them sleeping. Don't you love taking pictures of Daddys sleeping with their baby?!?

Susan Staus said...

He is sooo cute!!! I love the pictures!!!

Paige Holley said...

What a cute little boy. Look at that dark hair! So sweet.

The Edwards Clan said...

I'm so glad to see a new post!! Your little boy is so sweet. My husband loves when they sleep in your arms like that, too. I have lots of similar pictures in my albums. :o)

amandajonalissa said...

OH that face!!! That sweet sweet baby face...he is so cute Brielle! I agree w/ Michelle...he looks like Brock in the father like son!

I LOVE the doll in the car seat...that Aspen is a riot!

Anonymous said...

thanks for looking out for Cash and making sure he has toys Aspen! Love the picture with daddy.....anxious to see you all!........grammy

The Gang said...

Cash is such a precious little guy. I cannot wait to meet him!!

Kellie said...

I love the picture of Brock and Cash, I must say I agree with Brock that is my favorite too, when they just curl up to you and sleep!

Family of Fun said...

He really is cute. Brock isn't alone on that. I love when the baby curls up and sleeps on your shoulder - that time never lasts long enough to enjoy thoroughly!

Jes said...

Congratulations! I just happened to check out your blog today from a link on Paige's. Cash is so cute! Good luck with the adjustment and schedule and sleep and everything. I hope it goes well. If #3 is the hardest, I think I better stick with 2 as long as I can.
Do you have a wrap? Like a Moby Wrap, baby carrier? It seems like that would help when you're wishing you had extra arms.
Congrats again, your kids are gorgeous!

Lady said...

Thanks for the new photos. He really is a pretty baby. In some pictures I think he really looks like Brock but in others - he really reminds me of Aspen (his eyes). It will be fun watching and comparing as he grows. Keep posting when you can - we really enjoy it!

kp said...

I'm so glad you found me Brielle! I'm sure you're tired from 3 kids, but I'm loving the pictures. It's so good to be in contact with you again, and see your cute little kids. I can't believe how big your family is getting in just a few years. Are we that old?

Anonymous said...

Brielle, I am so sorry that I haven't contacted you. Since March, I have been working 12-18 hour days and bringing work home with me on the weekends. The girls are getting so big and more beautiful by the day. Congratulations on your newest edition. I'm happy you got your little boy. Cash is just so precious. He looks dwarfed in Brock's arms/hand. I hope all are well and that you are trying to take some Brielle time now and again. It is important for you to do that. I'm sure it would be easier if you had some family living nearby. Don't be afraid to ask the ladies from your ward to set up a system where one of you gets a day to yourself while the others take care of the children. You might be surprised at their reaction. I miss you a great deal. I was just talking about my mom the other day and started telling my friend about you and her. If she were still here, she would be out there with you whenever she could. She loved all of you kids; but you were extra special to her. She would have acted like Grandma #3 to those kids. I have to get back to work now. Hugs and kisses to all. I love you dearly. Aunt Gia

Alycia said...

I think he looks like Broc...he is darling! Don't worry, things will get easier. I really stuggled adjusting to three as well. Good luck and just try and enjoy your sweet baby!