Cash turned 15 months last week. So I thought I would give everyone the update. He went to the doctor today and is 26.5 pounds (70%) and 32 inches tall(75%). So he has come down a little in both but he is still a good sized boy! His talking has picked up within this last month, which I love. His words are: Mama, Dada, all done, hi, bye bye, more, baby, and then quite a few animal noises. Horse still being his favorite! He is still very behind with his movement. We are still going to see the physical therapist 2 times a week. It has helped so much. He is pulling himself up onto furniture now and walking all along the furniture. But his crawl is still the monkey scoot which the therapist isn't too happy about. We are trying so hard for him to crawl the NORMAL way but I am not so sure that will be happening.
He sleeps like this every nap and bed time! He loves those animals and lays them all over him to fall asleep.