Happy Birthday Brock, We love you. ( I better stop blogging now because I see him pulling out the hay!!!!)
They all got in on the blowing action!
That is one cute family, minus their awesome mother!!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Happy Birthday Brock!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Happy 50th Birthday Grammy
We had a great Easter. We went down to Rupert and celebrated with Brock's family. The day after Easter was Brock's mom's 50th Birthday. We had a small surprise party for her. And we actually pulled it off. She is so hard to surprise between her busy schedule and her non stop work ethic we weren't sure if it we were going to be able to pull it off. She was surprised, it was awesome. It was fun to be able to spend the weekend with her. We got her house cleaned with out her knowing, the surprise party happened and then we got her picture professionally taken with the grandkids. She seemed to be a pretty happy lady that weekend. There is not a more deserving woman than Rexanne. She is always helping others, she is a very self less woman. I love this woman very much. I am so blessed to have her as a mother in law and to have her as my kids Grammy! Happy50th, hope it is one that will be well remembered.
We got her a couple of things to help her get through the upcoming years. A necklace that has a pill box on it, all labeled ofcourse, and her cane. I loved the cane, it came with the old lady crossing sign, a horn that says look out I'm coming through, a panty hose, a mirror for backing up that says you're beautiful on it and dirty old man repellant spray.
Black bottom cupcakes to keep with the black and white theme.
Here is Aspen collecting eggs during the egg hunt. Brocks parents have a huge egg hunt at their place on the river every year. Seriously, there are around 1000 eggs hidden, most are filled with candy but some have money inside. It is divided into age groups so that it is fair. 
Here we are having a little team meeting, discussing were they could go and find some more eggs.
Kamden was off. She was so serious, she didn't stop looking until she knew every egg was found. She finished finding them in her age category and then went on in to the older kids. It was pretty funny.
Here is Cash at the egg hunt. I sat him in the grass so I could help Aspen and he found an egg himself. He just needed one to make him happy.
Deagon and Aspen, She is telling him how old she is. Aspen just loves to hold hands. Everywhere we go she is trying to hold somebody's hand but it has to be her idea.
I just wanted to put this picture on here for a future easter treat idea. Kamden had to bring an easter treat to her party at school. So we made rice krispie treat easter eggs. They were really easy and a big hit! (Some were dipped in chocolate and then we put sprinkles on)
Here we are having a little team meeting, discussing were they could go and find some more eggs.
Napa, California
I don't know what has happened with my blogging. But I have been seriously lacking. About a month ago for spring break we went to Napa, California. We have really good friends that live there and it had been too long since we have seen them. I have known them since I was 13 years old. They were my youth leaders at church in Delaware. We just clicked and now are better friends(more like family) than ever. We thought California sounded great since it has nice weather in March and we have awful cold weather here. We really lucked out with the weather it was mid 70's to 80 degrees. That is heaven to me. It was really hard for me to want to come home. We went to SanFransico for a day, we went to the jelly belly factory, hung out, ate lots and lots and lots! We all had such a great time and can't wait to go back again.
We actually got to Dave and April's a couple days before they got home from their camping trip. It was nice because we were able to catch up on sleep since we drove the 12 hours all night. We then played outside and went to the park. This was the first time Cash experienced grass. He wasn't too sure at first. Then he loved it.
In fact he loved to eat it.
My hot man lovin the sunshine.
Here is Kaia within 25 min. of being home from camping. The girls found her clips and loved doing her hair.
Blake and Kamden blowing bubbles.
While we were visiting we gave Kaia really good practice for babysitting. It was so nice because I would get Cash down for a nap and then April and I went shopping or out to lunch by ourselves! The one day we went out Cash didn't sleep very long and when we came home this is what we saw. She got the umbrella to keep the sun off of Cash. Isn't she cute? She is going to be a great babysitter. It makes me kind of excited for when Kamden is old enough!!
April and Dave rented a 15 passenger van the Day we went to SanFransico so that we could all ride together. It was pretty fun, the kids loved it. In fact, I asked Kamden what her favorite part of the day was and she said riding in the big van!
Kamden and Aspen LOVED Kaia. Kaia is 11 and such a sweet, patient, fun girl. I felt kind of bad for her at times because the only time she ever got to be by herself was in the bathroom and she had to make sure she locked the door or they would have come in there with her too! The did everything she did. It was pretty cute. Above was in SanFransico walking back to the car.
Aspen loved to be carried by Kaia. We did have a stroller for her but she thought this was much better. Kaia was very tired after walking all day in SF especially since she carried a 37lb child.
Me and my girls!
Crazy April! We were in an arcade place in SF and April thought Dave was walking by so she said hey, can I have a quarter? Well it wasn't Dave, so we just laughed. So then she thought it would be funny to ask random people for a quarter while sitting on this horse that said no more than 50lbs. So a young boy walks by and she asked him and he looks at the last quarter in his hand and he says yes. Well both our hearts just broke. What a nice boy he was. She didn't end up taking the quarter thank goodness!
My cute fuzz head!
This is my favorite picture. He looks so adorable if I do say so myself.
My Boys!
The kids and Brock and I looking at all of the seals off of Fisherman's Wharf
We all went to the Jelly Belly Factory and bought way too many jelly beans. Here is Kaia modeling for us and teaching my daughter how to model.
She is pretty cute.
The only group shot I got of us. I love that Kennedy family.

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