Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Saying Goodbye!

Man I love these two! They are such great examples, I am so proud they are my parents. Elder and Sister Von Stetten Well my parents are in Africa! They have started their mission. We have recently had to say goodbye which is a pretty tough thing to do but it is for a good reason. They are serving a mission for our church for the Perpetual Education Fund. So they were called to the Southeast area of Africa. They are over about 7 or 8 different countries! Pretty exciting, we all can't wait to hear about the experiences they will be having. If any of you are not familiar with PEF, what they will be doing is helping people of Africa recieve funding for education. Such an awesome thing so that they can better provide for their families. They absolutely loved the MTC. My dad was asked to sing for the sunday Fireside. A pretty big deal to sing in front of 2300 missionaries! My parents are good friends with the president and his wife of the Provo MTC so she knew my dad can sing and asked him to do so. He was a little nervous but it was just so amazing. All of us kids got DVD copies and I have to say I just listen to it over and over, it is such a special keepsake for me. You can feel the spirit so strong. Here is the link if any of you would like to listen to it. http://www.divideasunder.org/africahelpers/comethoufount.html
I am so proud of him. He did so wonderfully. My mom with Cash! It is hard for me to think he will be 18 months to 2 years old when they get back! They change so much in that time. I know it is hard for her too, but she just can't dwell on itand she is okay. And now we all have skype and webcams so at least she will be able to see the changes! A last group shot.
Besides having to say goodbye to my parents we also had to say goodbye to their home. When they told me they were selling before they left I got very emotional and cried quite a bit. It is not the house I grew up in. I actually moved their when I was a sophmore in highschool. The reason it was so hard to say goodbye to the house was because that is where my kids memories are for going to Mamaw and Papaws house. I know where ever they live when they come back wonderful memories will be made it is just hard right now saying all of these goodbyes. Here is the back.Just a small glimpse of my Dads beautiful landscape. He always has taken such good care of the yard. We have lots of memories as us as teenagers running over bushes of making car tracks in the lawn when we were first driving. The reason they were so memorable was because of my Dads reaction to it all. Man those were some good times, well looking back they were, not so much when it happened! :)

Happy Birthday Mom!

My sister Brinn had a healthy baby Girl today. I think it is pretty awesome she came on my Moms B-Day. She was 6 pound 14 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. They named her Camilla Ann Rogers. Congrats Rogers family she is beautiful!


Jeremy and Jennifer said...

What a great experience for your parents to have. My parents would like to go on a mission someday. Can I get your address for our Christmas cards? You can just email me at chenifer99@hotamil.com. Thanks

kp said...

you know, after seeing pictures of your house, I think Amanda's first impression of you might have been right. You've denied it all these years, but we have proof now!

Becky at Jones Land and Livestock, Inc. said...

Wow! Your dad did an amazing job with that song. It was so beautiful!

I hope they've arrived safley to their mission and that they get their internet hooked up soon. (:

Tell Brinn congrats from me!

Annie Allen said...

Oh Brielle!! What an emotional time. I know it's such a great blessing for all your family, but it's still so hard to be away. They will do so well though and you'll be able to fill the spirit of what their doing. Before you knopw it they'll be back.

Brad told me when I left on my mission to always count the time backwards. Instead of focusing on how much time is left you think of how much time has gone by. It sure helped me. Thinking of a year and half at the onset just made me sick. But the time does fly... for all parties involved.

Lady said...

I love you Brielle. Aren't you glad your goodbyes are over though?

Family of Fun said...

Ahhh. Oh how we miss seeing those places where we grew up. We can't keep them around forever. It is beautiful though, from what I can tell. And I love that LUSH, GREEN LAWN! AHHHH! I love it! I love it! Someday, even in the mountains, I want a lush, green lawn! :]

Anonymous said...

Awww thank you so much for sharing that as now I sit here crying. Your dad has an incredible voice. I cannot imagine saying goodbye to my parents... it was hard enough to say goodbye to yours. I love them so much and the rest of the family. You are all sooo amazing. You will all be greatly blessed for the work they are doing.

April Kennedy said...

Brielle, that was a touching post. I did laughed out loud though to your comment about your dad's reaction to you driving over the bushes. Dave and I did imitations of how he probably sounded and what he said!!!

I'll have to go over and congratulate Brinn on her blog about her new baby girl. How exciting for your mom to share a birthday with one of her grandchildren.

Thanks for the update and consider yourself hugged...no squeezed really tightly...by me! Love you!

MAN said...

Brielle, I wanted you to have these wonderful comments about your Mom on your blog so you could cry a little more when you think about how awesome your Mom really is. She will be a fantastic missionary, because her entire being exudes love, and people will see and feel Christ when they meet her. Any way here are the other comments: Mamaw really is the Best! If you have not met her, then you are really missing out. Reenie is the most kind and caring individual on this planet that we call Earth. Her heart is made of pure gold and she lives a very unselfish provident life. A wonderful woman and mother. Papaw is very fortunate to have such a fantastic and beautiful companion. I hope that your Birthday was great and that you know that we all love you for the Great person that you are (Even if you do make your smilies backwards :-)).

O family said...

oh man... more tears. I just love your parents. They are SUCH wonderful people. I know that it is going to be hard for you but like you said, at least there is the internet now :) I also just love your Dad's song. It really is an awesome keepsake. ( and one that will come in handy when you miss them). Which also made me cry I might add. Love you.

Anonymous said...

I am totally going to miss them too. I really need to send your dad some jerky, i promised so long ago. I need to make up a batch and send it on over. Love your blog message!

Anonymous said...

How can your Dad and I live up to such compliments? Thank you for loving us faults and all. We love you and know we have been blessed to have you as a daughter. I love and miss you tons.
Love, Mom

Camille said...

I love your blog and I am sad for you for having to say good bye to a place you love. I hope you take your memories with you and cherish every single one.

Abraham and Sara said...

How exciting for your parents. They will be wonderful, I'm sure. Truthfully, I am dreading when my parents go. I know it is an amazing experience, but my mom is my best friend. I see her everyday and to think of not being able to do that is really hard for me. It goes by fast though, right? :) As for when they sell the house...oh man, I don't think there will be a dry eye in the family :)

O family said...

how are you doing? You haven't posted in a while. Just checking in with you I guess... I feel like we "talk" when I read your blog. silly huh? Anyway, hope all is well with your ladies and little man.

Nichole said...

Thanks for the bball update! I check my blog ~I know I have a million, I have a problem =D
at least 40 times a day. I keep my links to places I frequent there. Kinda relieved about no bball, feeling a little PMS'ee which is never fun at bball.

Anonymous said...

Brinn, I had no idea the baby came. The last I heard, you were close, but the baby hadn't come yet. Its great that she came on your mom's b'day. What a wonderful present that was. I'm so very happy for you. I love the name. It reminds me of my mother. Do you have a blog, too? I'd love to see some pictures.
All my love, Aunt Gia

Anonymous said...

awesome picture of awesome people! What a neat experience you will have....I'm sure it's really hard leaving those grandkids (oh yeah and the kids)Brielle let us hear your song from the mission home....wow! made me cry. Thanks for being such neat people and loving my son into your family. I know he thinks the world of you both......love you, Rexanne